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发布时间:2022-12-19 10:55:55    浏览次数:

2022年度,9001jcc金沙以诚为本聚焦国家重大战略需求,深入开展有组织科研,获得2项国家社科基金重大项目、1项国家社科基金重点项目的历史性突破,学术论文的发表质量也再创新高。在《管理世界》、《公共管理学报》、《数量经济技术经济研究》等中文期刊,以及《International Journal of Production Economics》、《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》、《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》等英文期刊上发表了数十篇权威论文,下面选取了本院教师为第一作者的部分代表性论文成果做详细介绍。























































摘要:随着科技创新活动不断突破地域、组织和技术的界限,创新研究对象由单个企业扩展到创新生态系统。创新生态系统涵盖知识和商业两个层面,其组织间联结形成了复杂交互的网络,但已有研究或囿于知识经济或商业经济某一视域,或侧重于宏观环境或微观个体某一层面,缺乏从社会网络中观视角对创新生态系统中科技与市场联动作用机制的深入探讨。基于社会网络理论,把创新生态系统解构为组织间交互联结而形成的知识网络和商业网络,从网络嵌入视角构筑创新生态系统知识–商业双重网络嵌入分析框架,提出双重网络嵌入及其交互作用对企业创新影响机制的概念模型。结合企业增值税发票数据库、国家知识产权局专利数据库和中国工业企业数据库提取海量多源异构数据,对国家制造强国建设中某重点城市数控机床产业相关企业开展实证研究。利用社会网络分析方法构建150 856家机构的商业网络、48 310家机构的知识网络,获取企业在创新生态系统中的双重网络嵌入信息,并进一步对其中349家核心企业进行负二项回归分析,以对研究假设进行检验。研究结果表明,创新生态系统知识网络嵌入连通度和支配度对企业技术创新均有显著正向影响,且二者作用效果没有显著性差异;创新生态系统商业网络嵌入支配度对企业技术创新有显著正向影响,但商业网络嵌入连通度对企业技术创新的影响并不显著;创新生态系统知识网络嵌入支配度与商业网络嵌入支配度的交互作用能正向促进企业技术创新,但知识网络与商业网络嵌入连通度的交互作用并不显著。研究结果弥补了已有创新生态系统研究中知识经济与商业经济彼此割裂的缺陷,丰富了创新生态系统中科技与市场联动和协同的理论基础,拓展了创新生态系统作用机制的网络内涵,为中国构筑和完善创新生态系统、促进创新驱动发展提供政策建议。


Go to journal home page - International Journal of Production Economics

期刊:International Journal of Production Economics


论文题目:Combating unethical producer behavior: The value of traceability in produce supply chains


摘要:With produce's perishability and quality heterogeneity, unethical producers may claim false quality of their products in non-traceable produce supply chains (PSCs) to increase their orders and prices. The latest traceability technology, such as blockchain, offers a promising solution to circumvent this problem as it enables incorruptible visibility throughout the chain. In this paper, we develop a game theoretical model to explore the traceability value of combating unethical producer behavior in PSCs. We consider a PSC with heterogeneous producers (with different quality) and retailers (with different quality-price-ratio (QPR) preferences) under two scenarios: a non-traceable PSC (NPSC) and a traceable PSC (TPSC). Our results suggest that lacking traceability in a PSC will cause adverse selection, i.e., the producers will adopt symmetric quality claim and wholesale price decisions in NPSC. In TPSC, traceability enables the high-quality producers to enjoy higher wholesale prices and, in the meantime, higher market shares than the low-quality ones. Consequently, traceability can benefit the high-quality producers in most cases. However, the retailers cannot benefit from traceability because it reduces competition on the supply side and enables the high-quality producers to exploit their purchase power by strategically differentiating the QPRs of their products. Observing that traceability only benefits one stakeholder, we propose an incentive scheme to coordinate the chain and identify the conditions under which the high-quality producers will voluntarily share their real quality information to achieve a win-win situation with the retailers. Overall, traceability and the proposed incentive scheme can add value to a PSC when there are a small number of producers selling high-quality products on it. Finally, we extend our base model to analyze the impacts of consumers' quality consciousness, producers' ethics levels, and products' in-transit spoilage conditions on the traceability value in PSCs.


Go to journal home page - Technological Forecasting and Social Change

期刊:Technological Forecasting and Social Change


论文题目:Blockchain application and collaborative innovation in the manufacturing industry: Based on the perspective of social trust

作者:万滢霖(本院教师);Yuchen GaoYimei Hu

摘要:We use Chinese A-share listed firms from the manufacturing industry during 2016–2019 to examine the impact of social trust and blockchain application on firms’ collaborative innovation. The results reveal that social trust among acquaintances and social trust among strangers have heterogeneous impacts on corporate collaborative innovation: Trust in strangers promotes firms’ collaborative innovation more than trust in acquaintances. We then analyze the external governance effects of blockchain applications, including the direct impact of blockchain applications on firms’ collaborative innovation, and the indirect impact of blockchain applications on the relationship between social trust and corporate collaborative innovation. We find that blockchain application enhances collaborative innovation and strengthens the positive impact of social trust on collaborative innovation. These results indicate that the application of blockchain technology improves the performances of firms’ collaborative innovation. It is therefore advisable for firms and governments to construct an ecosystem to facilitate the application of blockchain technologies.


期刊:IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

期刊介绍:CCF A类;JCR一区

论文题目:Distributed Multimodal Path Queries

作者:李雅文(本院教师);Ye YuanYishu WangXiang LianYuliang MaGuoren Wang

摘要:Multimodal path queries over transportation networks are receiving increasing attention due to their widespread applications. A multimodal path query consists of finding multimodal journeys from source to destination in transportation networks, including unrestricted walking, driving, cycling, and schedule-based public transportation. Transportation networks are generally continent-sized. This characteristic highlights the need for parallel computing to accelerate multimodal path queries. Meanwhile, transportation networks are often fragmented and distributively stored on different machines. This situation calls for exploiting parallel computing power for these distributed systems. Therefore, in this paper, we study distributed multimodal path (DMP) queries over large transportation networks. We develop algorithms to explore parallel computation. When evaluating a DMP query Q on a distributed multimodal graph Gmult , we show that the algorithms possess the following performance guarantees, irrespective of how Gmult is fragmented and distributed: (1) each machine is visited only once; (2) the total network traffic is determined by the size of Q and the fragmentation of Gmult ; (3) the response time is decided by the largest fragment of Gmult ; and (4) the algorithm is parallel scalable. Using real-life and synthetic data, we experimentally verify that the algorithms are scalable on large graphs.


期刊:IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management


论文题目:Mapping the Technological Landscape of Emerging Industry Value Chain Through a Patent Lens: An Integrated Framework With Deep Learning

作者:许冠南(本院教师);Fang DongJiawen Feng

摘要:Recent research applies patent autoclassification using machine learning to map the technological landscape of an industry value chain. However, when these methods are applied to emerging industries, the available patent sample data are small-scale and unevenly distributed, which cause overfitting and reduce the accuracy of patent classification. Therefore, this article proposes a framework to map the technological landscape of an emerging industry value chain through patent analysis with deep learning, which integrates a generative adversarial network as a data-augmentation method to overcome the problem of low-quality emerging-industry patent samples, and a deep neural network as a patent classifier. Based on this framework, this article conducts an application case of the 3-D printing industry. The evaluation results show that the integrated framework can effectively classify the patents with small-scale and unevenly distributed sample data, and depict the technological landscape of an emerging industry value chain. This article develops an efficient, reliable framework for patent autoclassification of emerging industries to overcome the lack of high-quality training samples, and it sheds light on the emerging industry value chain analysis with deep learning.


期刊:Expert Systems with Applications


论文题目:Iterated hyperplane search for the budgeted maximum coverage problem

作者:魏泽群(本院教师);Jin-Kao Hao

摘要:We present an iterated hyperplane search approach for the budgeted maximum coverage problem. Our algorithm relies on the idea of searching on specific areas identified by cardinality-constrained hyperplanes. It combines three complementary procedures: a tabu search procedure to identify a promising hyperplane, a hyperplane search procedure to examine candidate solutions on cardinality-constrained hyperplanes and a dedicated perturbation procedure to ensure the diversification of the search. We show the competitiveness of the algorithm on 30 benchmark instances and present experiments to study the key components of the algorithm.


期刊:Knowledge-Based Systems


论文题目:Revealing the structure of prediction models through feature interaction detection

作者:张晓航(本院教师);Hanying ZhangJi ZhuZhengren Li

摘要:In recent years, machine learning models have been employed for prediction in various domains. While the prediction performance has obviously improved, some models have become too complex to understand, and these models are called black-box models. Detecting the feature interactions is a useful technique to gain insight into the structure of black-box models. In this paper, we propose a method based on high dimensional model representation (HDMR) to reveal the structure of prediction models by detecting the feature interactions that are embedded in the models. The HDMR-based method can detect the k-way interactions without any constraints on k and can detect the interactions from both classification and regression models. Moreover, this method is model-agnostic and can detect both global and local interactions. Experiments on some synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that the HDMR-based method can detect feature interactions effectively and improve the model interpretability.


期刊:Journal of Computational Design and Engineering


论文题目:Towards an Internet of Energy for smart and distributed generation: applications, strategies, and challenges

作者:谷奇峰(本院教师);Qiang Qu

摘要:The global demands for clean and sustainable energy are rapidly increasing because of population and economic growth. The future of energy essentially requires novel thinking and new systems to transform energy generation, distribution, and consumption. The Internet of Energy (IoE), as a new concept, transforms the way of energy production, supply, and consumption to fulfill high-energy demands via a smart network of industrial energy producers and consumers. The main objective of this paper is to address how the Internet of Things (IoT) would meet the requirements of smart and distributed power generation. We did a comprehensive literature review to provide insights into the IoE applications and enlighten the current challenges. Furthermore, the paper provides deep insights into the existing research challenges to address the current limitations of the IoE security issues, and potential directions are also pointed for future work. The findings of this study include identifying the requirements and enabler factors influencing the IoT-based distributed generation that would be useful for policymakers and decision-makers in the field.


期刊:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

期刊介绍:ABS 4

论文题目:Leaders' response to employee overqualification: An explanation of the curvilinear moderated relationship

作者:江静(本院教师);Yanan DongHanlin HuQing LiuYanjun Guan

摘要:This research aimed to advance overqualification literature by examining how leaders’ perceived employee overqualification (LPEO) influences their empowering behaviour and employee work behaviours. Drawing upon the individualized leadership theory, we proposed that LPEO has an inverted U-shape relationship with their empowering behaviour such that leaders are more motivated to empower employees from low to moderate levels of overqualification, but this tendency decreases after a certain inflection point. We also predicted that the inflection point occurs at a lower level of employee overqualification when leaders perceive higher (vs. lower) status threats. Leader empowering behaviour was hypothesized to positively predict employees’ voice and negatively predict their withdrawal behaviour. Two multi-source and time-lagged studies were conducted to examine this moderated mediation curvilinear model. In Study 1, survey data from 372 leader–employee dyads supported the inverted U-shape mediation model from leaders’ perceived overqualification to empowering behaviour, then to employee outcomes (i.e., voice and withdrawal behaviour). In Study 2, we collected data from a sample of 73 team leaders and 286 employees, and the results supported the full model. Taken together, these findings offer a perspective to enrich the understanding of employee overqualification and have important practical implications.


Go to journal home page - Structural Change and Economic Dynamics

期刊:Structural Change and Economic Dynamics


论文题目:Political genes drive innovation: Political endorsements and low-quality innovation

作者:王砚羽(本院教师);Qinghua YouYuanbo Qiao

摘要:Drawing on institutional theory and resource dependent theory, this study proposed that political endorsement of a firm, playing as political genes, restrains it from pursuing the low-quality innovation. Using data on 2406 Chinese listed companies spanning from 2008 to 2016, we find that the political endorsement significantly inhibits low-quality innovation. That inhibition is stronger among firms with more slack resources and weaker in provinces with greater market liberalization. Our findings provide contributions on the low-quality innovation from political perspective, and benefit for the innovation implications.

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