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发布时间:2017-11-24 14:59:33    浏览次数:



Title Effects of Entrepreneurship and IT Fashion on SMEs’ Transformation toward Cloud Service through Mediation of Trust

Abstract This study draws from strategic choice theory, management fashion theory, and trust research to investigate organizational transformation toward cloud service. Considering organizations’ substantive rationality, this study proposes that SMEs’ entrepreneurial orientation and the institutional pressures received from the marketplace provide motives for their cloud transformation intention. These influences are mediated by a complex trust-building process. A survey involving 107 Chinese SMEs was conducted to validate our research model. The results illustrate that SMEs’ trust building toward the cloud-related situation and artifact plays a critical role in mediating the effects of strategic orientation and institutional pressures on their cloud transformation.


主讲人:余艳  副教授

主持人:晏梦灵  博士






余艳,中国人民大学信息学院副教授,香港城市大学管理信息系统博士,北京大学管理学硕士、经济学双学士。主要研究领域包括IT驱动的知识管理、互联网创新、医养结合,已在国内外著名期刊和会议发表学术论文40余篇,包括 Management and Organization Review, Journal of Business Research, Information & Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, ICIS, ECIS,《中国软科学》等,SSCI被引近150次,曾获国际信息系统大会ICIS2010最佳论文提名奖。主持国家自然科学基金2项,北京市自然科学基金1项,北京市社科基金1项,参与多项国家自然科学基金重点项目和多个香港大学研究基金项目。多次担任国际会议知识管理领域主席,担任Information Systems Journal, Information & Management, ECRA, IT&P等著名期刊审稿人,并被授予Elsevier 2016年杰出审稿人。







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