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发布时间:2018-11-21 08:14:53    浏览次数:





Title: Series Lectures on Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Social Responsibility

讲座与会议语言: 英文

内容简介:人工智能正引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革,其伦理与社会责任是重要保障。为建立健全保障人工智能健康发展的法律法规、制度体系、伦理道德,支持中国人工智能产业发展联盟在人工智能伦理与社会责任的研究与教学方面工作的深入开展,作为联盟年度工作计划的一部分,联盟科普与社会责任工作组邀请到Dr. Michael Edward AndersonDr. Susan Leigh Anderson就人工智能伦理与社会责任问题,进行3次系列讲座,并与国内学者一起举行1次小型研讨会。



Michael Edward Anderson, a professor of computer science at the University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut. He earned his Ph.D. in computer science and engineering at the University of Connecticut. His interest in further enabling machine autonomy brought him first to diagrammatic reasoning where he co-chaired Diagrams 2000, the first conference on the topic, held at the University of Edinburgh, co-edited the book “Diagrammatic Representation and Reasoning”, and published an article on the topic in Artificial Intelligence, the premier journal on the topic.

Susan Leigh Anderson, professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Connecticut. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research areas are Applied Ethics, particularly Biomedical Ethics, Machine Ethics and so on. She has published many academic articles and works in the past time, such as On Kierkegaard, On Mill, On Dostoevsky and so on.


The interest in AI ethics has currently led Michael Edward Anderson in conjunction with Susan Leigh Anderson, to establish machine ethics as a bona fide field of study. They co-chaired the AAAI Fall 2005 Symposium on Machine Ethics, co-edited an IEEE Intelligent Systems special issue on machine ethics, and co-authored an invited article on the topic for Artificial Intelligence Magazine. Their research in machine ethics was selected for Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence as an emerging application in 2006. The October 2010 issue of Scientific American features an invited article on their research in which the first robot whose behavior is guided by an ethical principle is debuted. They have recently published “Machine Ethics”, a book on the topic for Cambridge University Press.




Jie Jiang, a professor at the School of Law and Politics, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology.



Zhijian Wang, a researcher at Zhejiang University (college teacher, full professor). Wang engaged in scientific research and undergraduate teaching in the field of game dynamicsartificial intelligence algorithms and experimental economics at the Experimental Social Science Laboratory. He is a qualified doctoral supervisor of both theoretical economics and theoretical physics at the same time. His main academic contribution is to find the dynamic structure in the mixed Nash equilibrium in experiments. Relevant series of achievements have been published in famous international journals like Nature-Communication and have been reported or reprinted by hundreds of media at home and abroad. In addition, the research findings have become the reference content of undergraduate teaching in many domestic and foreign scientific fields, and have been selected as one of the best achievements of MIT Technology Review in 2014. Wang also undertakes social services work, he serves as the group leader of science popularization and social responsibility working group in AIIA (Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance), in support of the work to formulate industrial standards for artificial intelligence ethics and social responsibility.











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