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发布时间:2019-11-21 09:11:51    浏览次数:


题  目: Business Models in Mobile Internet: From i-Mode to 5G


主讲人: Erik Bohlin教授, 瑞典查尔默斯理工大学技术管理与经济系

时  间: 2019-11-25 14:00-5:30

地  点: 9001jcc金沙以诚为本经管楼213多功能厅

主办单位: 校学术委员会 9001jcc金沙以诚为本


 Erik Bohlin,博士,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学教授,30多年来一直从事电信产业和规制研究,任期刊《Telecommunications Policy》主编已有十年。2004-2016年期间担任国际电信协会主席。Erik Bohlin教授共发表了150多篇论文,指导了10多名博士学生,并在全球范围内进行了20多次教授职位评估。他被任命为前欧洲媒体和IT专员的特别顾问,为欧洲委员会、欧洲议会、NRAICT供应商的项目做出了许多贡献。他在1995年获得了查尔姆斯理工大学的技术管理和经济学博士学位,并从斯德哥尔摩经济学院获得了工商管理和经济学博士学位(1987年)。


什么是5G有效的商业模式? 本次讲座将详细回顾i-mode3G4G的业务模型,并为潜在服务商提供关于5G网络全面的财务评估。在讲座上, Erik Bohlin教授还会重点介绍5G的几个方面:包括网络架构选项、频谱优化策略、国家5G网络的收支平衡情况、基于泰国NRA的最新5G建模项目、基于5G的拍卖设计模型等。


What will be effective business models for 5G? This presentation reviews business models from i-mode, 3G and 4G, and provides a comprehensive financial evaluation for 5G networks for a prospective operator. The presentation elaborates upon several dimensions of 5G, including network architecture options and spectrum optimization strategies, and shows break-even figures for a national 5G network. The 5G modelling is based on a recent project for the NRA in Thailand, on auction design for 5G.


Erik Bohlin has been researching the telecommunication industry and regulation for over 30 years. He is Professor of Technology Assessment at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, and Editor-in-Chief for 10 years of the Journal of Telecommunications Policy, premier journal in the field since 1976. He was Chairman of the International Telecommunications Society for 12 years (2004-16), an interdisciplinary conference and membership organization of about 300 members from more than 35 countries, with a number of corporate sponsors. Erik Bohlin has published more than 150 papers, and supervised more than 10 Ph.D. students, and provided formal professorship evaluations more than 20 times around the world, among others. He has been appointed as Special Advisor for the former European Commissioner of Media and IT, contributed to projects for the European Commission, the European Parliament, NRAs as well as ICT suppliers. He holds a PhD in technology management and economics from Chalmers University of Technology (1995), and a graduate of business administration and economics from Stockholm School of Economics (1987).

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