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发布时间:2021-12-30 16:46:57    浏览次数:


主题:《Organization Science》论文分享及管理学国际顶刊发表经验





胡松翠博士将分享发表在《Organization Science》的论文“Problemistic Search of the Embedded Firm: The Joint Effects of Performance Feedback and Network Positions on Venture Capital Firms’Risk Taking”以及在管理学领域国际顶尖期刊上发表论文的经验。


胡松翠,美国亚利桑那大学管理与组织系终身教职副教授,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校战略与创业学博士。研究领域包括行为战略、企业目标和风险管理、战略领导力和组织学习。成果发表在Strategic Management Journal、Academy of Management Annals、Organization Science等诸多管理学国际顶刊。任UTD期刊Administrative Science Quarterly、Strategic Management Journal常任编委。


The Behavioral Theory of the Firm suggests that performance below aspirations triggers problemistic search that can lead to risk taking. This prediction has received empirical support from most studies on the topic. However, this literature has typically focused on the internal determinants of firm search and risk-taking behavior and given little attention to the influences of social networks in which firms are embedded. To this end, we incorporate the network embeddedness perspective regarding firms’network positions and their roles in firm decision making. We suggest that a firm’s search behavior is jointly directed by its performance feedback and network positions. Specifically, network brokerage and centrality play important yet distinct roles in guiding firm search behavior by differentially shaping the direction of problemistic search: high brokerage directs problemistic search to high-risk solutions, whereas high centrality directs problemistic search to low-risk solutions. Our theoretical predictions receive general empirical support based on analyses using longitudinal data from the Chinese venture capital industry. Our approach incorporates the crucial role of network structures into the problemistic search model and works toward building a problemistic search theory of the embedded firm.


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